Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Drop in tennis tomorrow!

As usual 3:30pm, $5 at the door.

Wednesday is Academy level day and Thursday is Beg/Int, then next week will be our last week before a short October break.


Coach John

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fall Drop in Tennis!

Hello tennis families of Walla Walla!

Wow, the summer is gone, the fair has passed and school is back in session. That means that it is time for Fall tennis at Whitman!

We will run drop in Clinics Mon through Thursday in the Bratton tennis center. Classes will be taught by either Coach Jeff OR Coach John (sometimes both) along with our terrific Whitman tennis players who have experience and a passion for coaching youngsters.

Cost is $5 at the door, we will run Academy (Jr. High/High school) sessions on Monday and Wednesday and Beginner/Intermediate (red ball over full net through orange/green balls on full court) sessions on Tuesday and Thursday. Bring friends and we'll see you on the courts!

Time is 3:30-4:15.

The first session will be Monday 9/13 and Tuesday 9/14; please contact Coach John (heinj@whitman.edu or 509 301-8502 if you think you'll attend so we can get enough coaches.

*If any of you can get a group of 4 or more for this week, we can start tomorrow (Tuesday), just contact John.