Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Youth Winter Camp is Coming, sign up now!

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year too! Our Whitman Women's Tennis Winter Camp which has been so much fun the past few years is back again! It runs after school Mon-Fri for the week of January 9-13 and we have an amazing group of coaches coming with Emily, Hannah, Kate, Alyssa and the Texas Twins Courtney and Morgan joining me on court. The Quickstart sessions for under 10 will be awesome after our USTA training day and every one of these Whitman players have done significant coaching and bring amazing energy to the court. Sign ups are live right now at www.wwpr.us or you can download the flier with a registration sheet here If you can't make it every day or have questions, please contact me and we'll arrange to get you as much tennis as possible! Coach John 509 527-5262 heinj@whitman.edu

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Growing Youth Tennis in Walla Walla

Many thanks to the USTA for putting on a Quickstart Tennis Workshop last Saturday at Whitman! I'd also like to thank all of the young coaches from Whitman and the City of Walla Walla who participated in the workshop, I think everyone had a great time and learned some valuable tools to run practices for kids. If your school or association was not involved, but would like to know about upcoming trainings and opportunities to get Quickstart equipment, please contact me at the number or email below. Here is a link to some photos from the weekend, notice that 5-7 year olds only need 36 feet for a court and you can use tape, throw down lines and tennis or caution tape for a net and SHAZAAM! you've got a tennis match!
NOW, we'll apply what we've learned to the system of tennis I use for kids through the best adult players at our Whitman Women's Tennis Winter Camp! It takes place after school Monday through Friday January 9-13th. Stay tuned for more details and check the City of Walla Walla website for sign ups which should be active soon! Coach John heinj@whitman.edu 509.527.5262